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How to prepare for the UPSC Exam: Study Resources, Top 10 Universities in India for Higher Education, Best Career Options After 12th PCM, Top Institutes for Ethical Hacking Courses in India, Best Colleges for Environment Science in India,

how to study for national exam

Many institutes require entrance exam for the admission. It ensures that students are qualified for admission to the course, school, college, or university. You can take following steps for the preparation of entrance exams.

Make a Study Plan

1.       First of all mark the date of exam after registering for the exam. Then thinks that how much time you require for the preparation of exam.

2.       After this on the basis of date exam decides that how much time you give to your preparation. Most of the students take 1-3 months for the preparation of the exam. The time you want to give for your preparation is totally your choice. Think of your created schedule is this includes holidays and family trips? What is your school schedule? Make a schedule which suits you best?

3.       Mark on calendar the study days and break days. Mark the days that have something planned like work, sports event, trips or social event. You can study on the basis of the marked calendar.

4.       You can mark one day study break in a week if your exam date is not coming immediately. You can mark it as Day off or Rest day.

5.       The entrance exam is important for you so you have to devote maximum time for study on daily basis. You have to decide that how much time you can give daily. You can devote 1-2 hours every day or most of days. Some time you can have busy schedule due to part-time jobs or sports event and you can only devote 30 minutes but few hours some other day. Plan the schedule how much time you can give in the particular day.

6.        The entrance exams check the knowledge you gain in your school time. Some courses require knowledge of specific subjects. It can be difficult for you to check what is important to review. Select all the important subjects and topics that can come in exam and arrange them in correctly. Arrange them sequentially, chronologically or some other methods.  You can contact your friend who already given this exam ask them for important topics which can come in exam. Their information can help you focus your review topics. It is difficult to focus on the topics in which you struggle most. Reviewing everything you have learned is impossible. You should have confidence in your strengths and focus on your weak areas to review and prepare for the exam.

7.       Make entire study plan in advance it help you to save your time.

Reviewing Material to Prepare

1.       Your study environment should contain a quiet place where you can focus on your study and avoid distraction. Make sure that you should have a study desk and a comfortable chair. You should have more than one study spot.

2.       You should have a test preparation book for your entrance exam. By these test preparation books you can get to know that what type of questions is asked, how they are worded, and what type of answers they are looking for in answers. You can e book versions of test preparation books.

3.       The material for study are:

Notes from classes

Scrap Paper

Pencil, erasers, and highlighters

Computer or Laptop if necessary

Snacks and Water

4.       Know what type of learner you are:

Visual Learner: In this method you learn by seeing things such as power point presentations or watching videos.

Auditory Learner: In this method you learn by hearing things or a lecture can help you in learning.

Kinesthic Learner: In this method you learn by doing things so working in experimental ways can help you in learning things.

5.       Once you learned that what kind of learner you are customized your study habits for best learning.

For Visual Learning write your notes in the form of charts, graphs, or maps, etc.

Auditory learner read or repeats your study material out loud.

Kinesthic Learner you can read over your notes or textbooks while you walk on a treadmill. You can chew gum while studying.

6.       You can set the timer for about every 30 minutes of studying. When you study for 30 minutes, take a 5-10 minute break by taking a walk, going outside for some sunshine, or going to the restroom.

7.       Find ways to make your study fun. You can Color code your notes, play review games with your parents, friends or teachers.

8.       You can give mock test and practice previous year question papers.

Practicing Calming Techniques

1.       You should have positive mind-set.

2.       You should avoid negative thoughts such as I am not going to pass the exam.

3.       You should avoid distractions during testing.

4.       It is important to sleep for 8-10 hours.

5.       You should take a break.

6.       Breathing exercise can help you during anxious condition in exam.

7.       You can reduce your stress by practicing yoga.

8.       Exercise help you get in shape and boost your confidence.

9.       Turn your nervousness into excitement by some positive thoughts such Now I have opportunities to show everyone.

Preparing the Night Before

1.       Check all details of exam in admit card properly such as centre of exam and time of exam, etc.

2.       Set alarm for getting up early, have a hearty breakfast, and get to your exam location.

3.       Collect all essentials for exam such Pencils, Erasers, Pens, Calculator, Water Bottle and Snacks if allowed or needed.

4.       Eat a healthy dinner and breakfast.

5.       Don’t do cramming at last moment.

6.       Sleep for at least 8 hours.

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